As a property manager and owner, it’s important to provide adequate security for your rental property. Not only will a strong security system protect ...
Airbnb is a great new way for home owners to make some extra income when they’re out of the house. Temporary home and apartment rentals are becoming m...
Home security systems from Globaltek Security are helping to keep home across Southern Ontario safer and more protected than ever. Not only do home se...
A home security system is a series of automated and technical security features installed in your home that work together to keep your home safe from ...
Recurring false alarm fines generally have two main culprits: a poorly designed system; and new-user error. Poorly designed security systems remain a ...
Everyone needs a little vacation now and again. Whether you’re going camping over the weekend, taking a trip to a tropical destination, or visiting re...
Security is a huge concern for business owners. Preventing theft and making sure all of your employees, customers and clients are safe within your bus...
Corporate offices and businesses can be major targets for theft, unlawful entry, physical damage, and other security threats. Protecting your corporat...
Access control systems perform authorization identification, authentication, access approval, and accountability of entities through login credentials...